1. Alexander1 PIRIE (#525) (living status unknown).
Alexander PIRIE and Helen RIDDOCH had the following children:
Isabella2 PIRIE (#524) was born about 1825. Bell died 20 November 1902
Herodhill, Alvah parish, Banffshire, Scotland, at 77 years of age. She married James CHALMERS in
Whitehills, Banff parish, Banffshire, Scotland, 22 June 1845. (James CHALMERS is #432.) James was born Burnhead of Muiryhill,
Alvah parish, Banffshire, Scotland 15 January 1825. James was the son of John CHALMERS and Jean STEWART. James
died 4 September1895 in Malcolmsford, Alvah parish, Banffshire, Scotland, at 70 years of age.(355) (See James CHALMERS for the continuation of this line.)
Helen PIRIE (#528) was born 11 January 1838. Helen died 30 March 1929 at 91 years of age. She married Jacob CHALMERS in Whitehills, Banff parish, Banffshire, Scotland, 27 December 1856. (Jacob
CHALMERS is #436.) Jacob was born Burnhead of Muiryhill, Alvah parish, Banffshire, Scotland 15 April 1836. Jacob was the son
of John CHALMERS and Jean STEWART. Jacob died 27 January 1915 Alvah parish, Banffshire, Scotland, at 78 years of
age. (See Jacob CHALMERS for the continuation of this line.)
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