1. George1 STEWART (#522) (living status unknown).
George STEWART and Mary MURRAY had the following child:
Jean2 STEWART (#309) was born before 22 August 1819, the first event for which
there is a recorded date. Jean died 12 November 1885 in Malcolmsford, Alvah parish, Banffshire, Scotland. She married John CHALMERS Alvah parish, Banffshire, Scotland, 29 January 1820.(374) (John CHALMERS is #308.) John was born Cranna, Marnoch parish,
Banffshire, Scotland 25 March 1796. John was the son of William CHALMERS and Katharine DOUGLAS. John died 23 May
1876 in Burnhead of Dearshaw, Alvah parish, Banffshire, Scotland, at 80 years of age.(375) His body was interred after 23 May 1876 Alvah parish, Banffshire,
Scotland.(376) (See John CHALMERS for the continuation of this line.)
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