1. James1 MCDONALD (#1422) was born on (birth date unknown).
He married Jane SHAW. (Jane SHAW is #1423.)
James MCDONALD and Jane SHAW had the following child:
Agnes2 MCDONALD (#448) was born before 8 December 1821, the first event for which
there is a recorded date. Agnes died 9 May 1857 Sunnybrae, Alvah parish, Banffshire, Scotland. She
married Joseph CHALMERS Alvah parish, Banffshire, Scotland, 8 December 1821. (Joseph CHALMERS is #300.) Joseph was born
Muiryhill, Alvah parish, Banffshire, Scotland 4 April 1798. Joseph was the son of William CHALMERS and Katharine
DOUGLAS. (See Joseph CHALMERS for the continuation of this line.)
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