1. Edward1 NICHOLAS (#1208) was born on (birth date unknown).
He married Amelia Emily POLGREAN. (Amelia Emily POLGREAN is #1209.)
Edward NICHOLAS and Amelia Emily POLGREAN had the following child:
Alma Jane2 NICHOLAS (#935) was born before 26 June 1882, the first event for which
there is a recorded date. She married Robert Alexander CHALMERS in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia, 26
June 1882. (Robert Alexander CHALMERS is #910.) Robert was born in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 9 February 1850. Robert
was the son of Joseph CHALMERS and Ann SHEPHERD. Robert died 26 August 1897 in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia, at 47
years of age. His body was interred 28 August 1897 in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia. (See Robert
Alexander CHALMERS for the continuation of this line.)
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