1. George1 RAEBURN (#1023) was born on (birth date unknown).
He married Margaret ROBB. (Margaret ROBB is #1024.)
George RAEBURN and Margaret ROBB had the following child:
Wilhelmina Smart2 RAEBURN (#460) was born before 1 January 1843, the first event
for which there is a recorded date. Wilhelmina died 19 August 1889 in Blackshank, Alvah parish, Banffshire, Scotland. She married George CHALMERS Alvah parish, Banffshire, Scotland, 1 January 1843. (George CHALMERS is
#454.) George was born Brydock, Alvah parish, Banffshire, Scotland 24 June 1819. George was the son of George CHALMERS
and Margaret RAEBURN. George died 16 July 1859 Mosstown, Alvah parish, Banffshire, Scotland, at 40 years of age.(358) (See George CHALMERS
for the continuation of this line.)
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