1. Richard1 WALSH (#555) was born before about 1865, the first event for which there is a recorded date.
Richard WALSH had the following child:
Peg2 WALSH (#818) was born on (birth date unknown). Peg died
England. She married Adam FITZPATRICK. (Adam FITZPATRICK is #819.)
Richard WALSH and Mary? had the following children:
Patrick WALSH (#859) was born on (birth date unknown).
Cecelia WALSH (#348) was born about 1865. Cecelia died 13 December 1948 1 St Mary's Road, Cathedral parish, Cork
county, Ireland, at 83 years of age. Her body was interred after 13 December 1948 Botanic road, Ballyphehane parish, Cork
county, Ireland. She married John MANNING Cork, Cork county, Ireland, 23 November 1890. (John
MANNING is #347.) John was born Cork, Cork county, Ireland about 1865. John was the son of William MANNING. John
died 13 June 1949 1 St Mary's Road, Cathedral parish, Cork county, Ireland, at 83 years of age. His body was interred after 13
June 1949 Botanic road, Ballyphehane parish, Cork county, Ireland. (See John MANNING for the
continuation of this line.)
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