48. George8 ESSLEMONT (James7, Margaret6, John5, Alexander4, John3, John2, George1) (#72) was born Bruckhills, Auchterless parish, Aberdeenshire,
Scotland 19 July 1871.(246) George died
after 1944 Keith, Keith parish, Banffshire, Scotland. His body was interred after 1944 Keith, Keith parish, Banffshire,
He married twice. He married Jane HALL Rayne parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1 August 1895. (Jane
HALL is #369.) Jane was born Rayne parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland about 1871. Jane died 17 September 1908 Keith, Keith
parish, Banffshire, Scotland, at 37 years of age.(247) Her body was interred after 17 September 1908 Keith, Keith parish, Banffshire,
Scotland.(248) "date 15 February 1999
Declan ........The first wife died in childbirth and is buried with her baby in Keith (Broomhill cemetery). The
grave does not have a stone with details it is a ceramic garland under a glass bell-jar. George is also buried there with his second wife
Agnes Teunion. George died about 1944, Agnes about 1936. They were married on 10/1/1916 in Keith........ Must close now. Will be in touch
again. Bye for now Trish & Keith"
He married Agnes TEUNION Keith, Keith parish, Banffshire, Scotland, 10 January 1916.(249) (Agnes TEUNION is #405.) Agnes was born about
1871. Agnes was the daughter of Robert TEUNION and Isabella BURNETT. Agnes died about 1936 Keith, Keith parish,
Banffshire, Scotland. Her body was interred after 1936 Keith, Keith parish, Banffshire, Scotland.
George's occupation: Railway Guard Keith, Keith parish, Banffshire, Scotland, 10 January 1916. He resided Keith, Keith
parish, Banffshire, Scotland 10 January 1916, 27 Wellington Tce. The following is 1. a letter; the rest are emails I received.
From Betty Burnett Longformacus Road Edinburgh "I (Betty Burnett) met George Esslemont who lived in Keith. He
had a daughter Katherine or Kate, as I knew her, by his first wife. George later remarried and Kate had step brothers and sisters but I do
not know their names. Kate and my mother were very close, being cousins and this bond was further strengthened when Kate married my father's
brother!" From I.P. Esslemont to decfam@tinet.ie 12/2/99 "My name is Keith Esslemont. My Grandfather was
George Esslemont, reputedly born 1871. We started our research at the begining of this year after an e-mail from Bob Esselmont in
Canada.........Bob's web page had a few innacuracies on it so do not take all the George Esslemont info for Gospel. We know that George used
to take members of the second family (in the 1920's) to visit an old couple Mr&Mrs Wilson in Aberchirder but had not as yet identified them.
We also knew of visit's by one of the children of his first wife to Rayne but again did not know who was being visited. We knew of visit's
to the Family in the first half of this century by an auntie Annie..... You state George was born 19/7/1871. However from his marriage
certificate, he would have probably have been born in 1873 , what was your source? I got the same date as you from IGI but I only examined
the Index entry. By for now" Keith Keith & Trish Esslemont at home I.P.Esslemont@lboro.ac.uk From I.P.
Esslemont to decfam@tinet.ie 15/2/99 "Hello Declan ... We can see that you have put in a lot of hours researching your
family from your web-site which is very impressive. There was one thing which struck us though - you have a James Esslemont down as a child
of Helen and James born in 1861 somewhere and Bob Esselmont in Canada also has a James in 1861 being born to Andrew Esselmont & Isobel Marr
on 27/2/1861 in Tyrie. Is it possible that this is the same birth or is it a coincidence? What do you think? We have another little snippet
of info for you. About 1944 a young Irish girl of about 18 years of age (approx) visited the family in Keith. Do you think this might have
been one of your family? We were very sorry to hear that you had lost that photo of Helen Barclay as we would be surprised if anyone had a
picture in Keith which was so old. We are making enquiries about any old photos. We downloaded a file from the family history society in
King Street Aberdeen. It is an alphabetical list of names taken from memorial stones in Aberdeenshire. We have copied and pasted the
Barclay ones for you - it includes Helen Barclay who is buried with James Esslemont in Auchterless u/p. We have also included the Chalmers
and the Esslemonts. It is an Office 95 excel file called DECLAN. We have scanned in a photo of George Esslemont for you to peruse. We
are still in the very early stages of our family tree as we only started after getting a nudge from Bob Esselmont in Canada before Xmas 98.
By the way, Bob in Canada had my father Robert Teunion Esslemont down as deceased but he is still going strong as are his twin brother and
sister who used to visit the Wilsons with their father George. The twins were 80 this month. They are from the second family of George
hence the sketchiness about the first wife and dates of family events. The first wife died in childbirth and is buried with her baby in
Keith (Broomhill cemetery). The grave does not have a stone with details it is a ceramic garland under a glass bell-jar. George is also
buried there with his second wife Agnes Teunion. George died about 1944, Agnes about 1936. They were married on 10/1/1916 in Keith. "
George ESSLEMONT and Jane HALL had the following children:
She resided in Edinburgh, Lothian, Scotland after 1920.(250) "Here are a couple of photos for you. One is of Kate who married a Swanney and lived in
Joppa in Edinburgh - we don't know where the photo was taken."
Nell's occupation: nurse Keith, Keith parish, Banffshire, Scotland, about 1917. She resided in Glasgow, Scotland
after 1918.
George ESSLEMONT and Agnes TEUNION had the following children:
Thomas's occupation: Post master Keith, Keith parish, Banffshire, Scotland.
George9 ESSLEMONT was born 30 December 1893.
Catherine ESSLEMONT (#370) was born Ashgrove, Elgin parish, Morayshire, Scotland 15 December 1896. She married Isaac SWANNEY about 1920. (Isaac SWANNEY is #1696.) Isaac was born about 1896. Isaac was
the son of SWANNEY.
Helen Ann ESSLEMONT (#562) was born Keith, Keith parish, Banffshire, Scotland 22 October 1897. Details: 27
Wellington Tce.. She married Archibald MCLARTY about 1918. (Archibald MCLARTY is #563.) Archibald
was born about 1897. (Additional notes for Archibald MCLARTY(251)) (See Archibald MCLARTY for the continuation of this
Albert James ESSLEMONT (#558) (still alive).
William Alexander ESSLEMONT (#560) (still alive).
Georgina (Marion) ESSLEMONT (#564) (still alive).
Robert Teunion ESSLEMONT (still alive).
Isobel ESSLEMONT (#567) was born Keith, Keith parish, Banffshire, Scotland 5 February 1919. Isobel died 4
June 2001 Keith, Keith parish, Banffshire, Scotland, at 82 years of age. Her body was interred 7 June 2001 Keith, Keith
parish, Banffshire, Scotland, Broomhill. Isobel's occupation: shop assistant Keith, Keith parish, Banffshire, Scotland,
about 1939. She resides Keith, Keith parish, Banffshire, Scotland 20 February 1999.
Norman ESSLEMONT (still alive).
Thomas ESSLEMONT (#565) was born about 1922. Thomas died after 1950 Keith, Keith parish, Banffshire,
Scotland. He married Anne PARKIN about 1950. (Anne PARKIN is #566.)
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